1977 | Auf den Spuren der Königin von Saba (On the Trail of the Queen of Sheba) (45 min.) |
1978 | Durch die Eiswildnis des Ost-Karakorums (Through the Ice-Wilds of Eastern Karakorum) (45 min.) |
1979 | Langer Marsch zur Seeligkeit (Long March to the Salvation - Shiva Pilgrims in the Himalayas) (45 min.) |
1980 | Der unbekannte Indus (The Unknown Indus) (45 min.) |
1981 | Deutsche Forscher am Indus (German Researchers in the Indus Valley) (45 min.) |
1982 | Die anderen Inder - ein Bericht über die Sikhs (The Other Indians - a Report on the Sikhs) (45 min.) |
1982 | Ladakh - ein Wintermärchen (Ladakh - a Winter Tale) (45 min.) |
1982 | Djenné - wo Beton tabu ist (Where Cement is Taboo - Djenné) (45 min.) |
1987 |
Tibet - Tor zum Himmel (Tibet - the Gate to Heaven) (90 min.)
awarded as best documentary film at the 37th Festival of Film on Mountaineering, Exploration and Adventure in Trento, Italy |
1987 |
Nomaden in Tibet (The Nomads of Tibet) (45 min.)
life of a nomad group in the Kailsh-Manasarowar-Region was presented in the Wissenschafts-Show (Science-Show) by Jean Pütz |
1989 | Save Alchi (30 min.) |