Publications › Documentary films

With cameraman and producer Wolfgang Kohl, Werkfilm Düsseldorf, following documentaries for the German TV were made:

1977 Auf den Spuren der Königin von Saba (On the Trail of the Queen of Sheba) (45 min.)
1978 Durch die Eiswildnis des Ost-Karakorums (Through the Ice-Wilds of Eastern Karakorum) (45 min.)
1979 Langer Marsch zur Seeligkeit (Long March to the Salvation - Shiva Pilgrims in the Himalayas) (45 min.)
1980 Der unbekannte Indus (The Unknown Indus) (45 min.)
1981 Deutsche Forscher am Indus (German Researchers in the Indus Valley) (45 min.)
1982 Die anderen Inder - ein Bericht über die Sikhs (The Other Indians - a Report on the Sikhs) (45 min.)
1982 Ladakh - ein Wintermärchen (Ladakh - a Winter Tale) (45 min.)
1982 Djenné - wo Beton tabu ist (Where Cement is Taboo - Djenné) (45 min.)
1987 Tibet - Tor zum Himmel (Tibet - the Gate to Heaven) (90 min.)
awarded as best documentary film at the 37th Festival of Film on Mountaineering, Exploration and Adventure in Trento, Italy
1987 Nomaden in Tibet (The Nomads of Tibet) (45 min.)
life of a nomad group in the Kailsh-Manasarowar-Region was presented in the Wissenschafts-Show (Science-Show) by Jean Pütz
1989 Save Alchi (30 min.)
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